A few websites on Lastovo which are worth visiting:
- jadrolinija.hr/en/sailing-schedule; Sailing schedule to Lastovo and back + online ticket purchase
- lastovo.net; Apartments Klara – Skrivena Luka :: one more interesting multilingual site about Lastovo
- campskriveni.com; the "Skriveni" camp is located in the south end of the island, 6 km from the village of Lastovo, surrounded by the bay of Skrivena Luka (Portorus)...
- hotel-solitudo.com; without a doubt the best hotel in the Lastovo islands. Beautifully positioned and great fun.
- tz-lastovo.hr/en/; website of the Tourist Association of the municipality of Lastovo
- www.apartmani-hrvatska.com/lastovo
- en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lastovo; Wikipedia about Lastovo
- lastovo-diving-ankora.com/; diving club
- lastovo-apartmani.com; Jagoda apartments on Pasadur
- facebook.com/lastovo.org; Lastovo Facebook group
- mezzomondo.hr; Tourist agencies specialising in Lastovo
- croatia-hotels-apartments.com/lastovo-island_croatia.htm
- lastovski-poklad.hr; A group of local people from the island of Lastovo, in love with the Lastovo Poklad (carnival), aware of the value of this unique tradition decided to establish a voluntary association "Lastovski Poklad".
- otok-lastovo.com; Apartmentsents Livia